Hello, I'm Dawn

I love running my business, but sometimes it can be hard work on your own. That's why I created My Expert Team, because I know how important it is to have people to turn to for advice and support.

I've brought together a team of experts who specialise in helping sole traders and freelancers, giving us all the knowledge and tools we need for our businesses to thrive and grow.

Our story


My Expert Team is a growing community of members. Our founding experts were brought together by Dawn, and our collaboration is proof of the power of forging meaningful relationships. We understand that small businesses thrive when they are part of a robust support system where knowledge and connection flows freely.

Many of us are proud Northerners, giving us a Northern focus, which ensures that our events, networking and advice are as relevant to our members as possible. New experts are constantly coming on board, expanding our knowledge base and, of course, adding to our thriving community spirit!


Read our manifesto

Meet our founding experts

Dawn Roberts

Sales Expert

Dawn is managing director and principal trainer at Outperform Training & Coaching. She specialises in making selling simple, effective AND non-scary!

Martin Williams

PR Expert

Formerly a news editor, Martin is director of Radar PR and has a wealth of inside knowledge on getting featured by the media.                                                 

Caroline Sanger-Davies

Marketing Strategy Expert

Caroline is director and principal consultant at Experience Marketing. Before going solo, she was director of marketing at Chester Zoo for eight years.

Tracey Thomas

Events Expert

Founder of membership site This Lady Loves, Tracey will help you make the most out of organising or attending events and networking.

Jane Steen

Marketing Tactics Expert

Founder of North Shore Ideas, Jane turns her experience with big brands such as Special K into practical advice for small businesses and freelancers.