Our manifesto

We'll always give you good, honest advice

Not only do our Experts know their stuff, they apply the advice they give to our Members in their own businesses. So you can expect practical, actionable and sound guidance. That's guaranteed.

We'll get you excited about your business's prospects

We know that working alone can be hard, and it's easy to get stuck in a rut. That's where our events and masterclasses come in. Every single one is designed to give you a clear route forward, and we make sure all our events leave our participants feeling enthused about the journey ahead.

We don't judge - we've all made mistakes

From not securing payment to taking on too much work, our Experts have done it all. And now we want to help everyone else forge a less gaffe-prone path. Join us, and we'll help you swerve the pitfalls of small business life!

We'll never be boring

Our Experts are hand-picked, not only for knowing their stuff, but also for being engaging and interesting. You can expect plenty of practical examples, some forthright opinions* and probably a fine collection of animal pics illustrating our Experts' videos.

*We're Northerners, after all!

We'll always strive to find ways to help you

Our Members have lots of different types of resources to choose from; there really is something for everyone. From videos to masterclasses to live online events, our sole aim is to provide maximum value to all our Members.

We're dependable

You can rely on us to be there when you need us, whether at one of our events or in our thriving Facebook community. We're here to help; we want all our Members to enjoy the benefits of running a successful, growing business.

Become a member

A subscription to My Expert Team gives you instant access to a community of sole traders, freelancers and small businesses just like you. And you'll have unlimited use of our resources and events.

Join now